I updated my portfolio and resume

Hi everyone!

I obviously failed all my good intentions. In almost two years that I had this personal space online, I have never written one single post. There are no excuses, but here I am now.

During the last two years, I have been very busy working as a Research Assistant for the University of Bologna on the project “The National Edition of Aldo Moro’s work”. It mainly consisted in developing a digital edition of the collection of texts written by Aldo Moro, a famous Italian politician from the XX century. In the first year, I contributed to developing a markup web application called KwicKwocKwac that was used by the researcher to upload Aldo Moro’s texts and highlight pieces of information like the people, places or organizations mentioned in the document and add all the metadata provided.

This project gave me the chance to learn more about Digital Humanities and Data Modeling, grow my experience in Web Development by using Vue.js, one of the most popular frameworks combined with Vuetify design. For more technical details about these two projects, you can check my portfolio.

Since I am almost reaching the end of my contract, I updated my resume, looking for some new experiences abroad. Right now, I am looking in the Berlin area because, in my opinion, it is one of the most enjoyable and eclectic European capital. Also, I have never lived outside of Italy and I am eager to challenge myself. If you are curious you can download my resume here.

Thanks for reading this post and if you are interested in my expertise (or even just to say hi) write me in my mailbox.

Bye :)
